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Thin Lizzy シン・リジィ/Thunder and Lightning Demos, outtakes and various mixes

2025年ジョン・サイクス没への追悼アイテムとして、1982年シン・リジィでの唯一のアルバム参加となった『THUNDER & LIGHTNING』制作におけるデモ・トラックをフィル・リノット所有のプライベート・カセットからマスター・クオリティーにて収録。まず本タイトルのメインとなるのはアルバム収録の「The Sun Goes Down」の作曲デモで、フィルがリズムマシーンを用い曲を完成させていく過程を記録。そしてその後にはサイクスによるクラシック・ギターのデモ、加えて完成バージョンの12インチ・ヴァージョンも含めて、貴重な制作過程とサイクスの素晴らしいプレイも控えめながらしっかりと活かされてる様を捉えた限定メモリアル・アイテム。01 Version 1: Mostly Philip trying different effects on vocals and sound effects, all instruments in. 02 Version 2: Mostly Philip trying drum patterns and different drum fills 03 Version 3: Mostly Philip trying different bass patterns and rhythm machine patterns Drum 'n’bass mix 04 Version 4: Mostly Philip trying different bass, rhythm guitar and drum pattern ideas ‘dub mix’ vocals in on chorus's only. Introducing string lines here and there. 05 Version 5: Mostly Philip trying different effects and punch in’s with completely different Vocal parts and effects soloed with just bass and drums. Also different spoken vocals. 06 Version 6: Alternative mix with different vocal parts again and different effects being tried, different electric guitar rhythm and riff parts being mixed in and out. Another different classical guitar solo by John Sykes. 07 Version 7: Another alternative rhythm machine mix experimenting with drum machine fills being manually played by Philip, bass guitar very occasionally being dropped in and out. Basically the rhythm track on it's own. 08 Version 8: Not complete track. There are drop-outs on this version but it includes various punch in and outs, Not from beginning but again with acoustic guitar solo and various vocal parts. 09 Version 9: Not from beginning but again all different with various keyboards parts and various vocal parts. 10 Version 10: Not from beginning but again with more different vocal variations. 11 Version 11: Not from beginning but again with more different variations with vocals 12 Version 12: Not from beginning but again with more different variations with vocals (Various Classical Guitar mixes and solos by John Sykes) 13 Version 13: John Sykes trying various classical guitar approaches 14 Version 14: John Sykes trying various classical guitar approaches 15 Version 15: John Sykes trying various classical guitar approaches 16 Version 16: John Sykes trying various classical guitar approaches (BONUS TRACK) 17 Sun Goes Down Phil Lynott Produced version (taken from B side of the 12" single(LIZZY 1312)) Demos, outtakes & various mixes : stereo soundboard recording]

Thin Lizzy シン・リジィ/Thunder and Lightning Demos, outtakes and various mixes


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