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Michael Schenker Fest マイケル・シェンカー/Japan Tour 2016 & SC IEM Matrix 3Days Complete

昨今のウィルス流行騒ぎにより予定されていた来日公演は全て延期または中止と言うお寒いこの春。ライブ参戦・ライブ録音鑑賞が何よりの楽しみという方々にお得なアイテムのご案内です。今年も来日4公演を予定していたマイケル・シェンカー・フェスですが、行政による自粛要請により来日公演断念となってしまい、非常に残念な思いをした方も多くいらっしゃる事でしょう。今回のアイテムは、マイケル・シェンカー・フェスとして初めて来日した2016年の全ての公演を完全収録した6枚組みのCDセット。さらに大阪公演から2カメラを駆使した非常に見応えのある映像をDVDに収録!勿論全公演ともマルチIEMマトリクス技術を駆使した、ステレオ・サウンドボード音源に比肩する超絶クリアサウンドでの収録です! 「The Return of Captain Nemo -Osaka 2016- "キャプテン・ネモの帰還~浪速上陸篇~"」Recorded Live at Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 23rd August 2016 [Multiple IEM Sources + Audience Source = Matrix Recording] (Disc 1) 01. Intro 02. Into the Arena 03. Attack of the Mad Axeman * 04. Victim of Illusion * 05. Armed and Ready * 06. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie * 07. Coast to Coast 08. Assault Attack ** 09. Desert Song ** 10. Dancer ++ 11. Captain Nemo 12. This Is My Heart + 13. Save Yourself + 14. Love Is Not a Game + 15. Shoot Shoot + (Disc 2) 01. Rock Bottom + Encore: 02. Doctor Doctor ++ 03. Outro * with Gary Barden ** with Graham Bonnet + with Robin McAuley ++ with Barden, Bonnet & McAuley Bonus Tracks; Soundcheck at Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 23rd August 2016 04. Warm-Up 05. Captain Nemo 06. This Is My Heart #1 07. Save Yourself / Love Is Not a Game 08. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 09. Doctor Doctor 10. Desert Song / Dancer 11. Broken Promises / Coast to Coast / Assault Attack 12. This Is My Heart #2 13. Rock Bottom 「The Return of Captain Nemo -Tokyo 2016- "キャプテン・ネモの帰還~大江戸凱旋篇~"」Recorded Live at Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 24th August 2016 [Multiple IEM Sources + Audience Source = Matrix Recording] (Disc 1) 01. Intro 02. Into the Arena 03. Attack of the Mad Axeman * 04. Victim of Illusion * 05. Cry for the Nations * 06. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie * 07. Armed and Ready * 08. Coast to Coast 09. Assault Attack ** 10. Desert Song ** 11. Dancer ++ 12. Captain Nemo 13. This Is My Heart + 14. Save Yourself + 15. Love Is Not a Game + 16. Shoot Shoot + (Disc 2) 01. Rock Bottom + Encore: 02. Doctor Doctor ++ 03. Outro * with Gary Barden ** with Graham Bonnet + with Robin McAuley ++ with Barden, Bonnet & McAuley Bonus Tracks; Soundcheck at Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 24th August 2016 04. Broken Promises 05. Desert Song / Dancer 06. Cry for the Nations #1 07. Cry for the Nations #2 08. Love Is Not a Game #1 09. Love Is Not a Game #2 10. This Is My Heart 11. Doctor Doctor 12. Save Yourself 13. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 「The Return of Captain Nemo -Sapporo 2016- "キャプテン・ネモの帰還~蝦夷進撃編~"」Recorded Live at Zepp Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan 26th August 2016 [Multiple IEM Sources + Audience Source = Matrix Recording] (Disc 1) 01. Intro 02. Into the Arena 03. Attack of the Mad Axeman * 04. Victim of Illusion * 05. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie * 06. Armed and Ready * 07. Coast to Coast 08. Broken Promises **09. Assault Attack ** 10. Desert Song ** 11. Dancer ++ 12. Captain Nemo 13. This Is My Heart + 14. Save Yourself + 15. Love Is Not a Game + 16. Shoot Shoot + (Disc 2) 01. Rock Bottom + Encore: 02. Doctor Doctor ++ 03. Outro * with Gary Barden ** with Graham Bonnet + with Robin McAuley ++ with Barden, Bonnet & McAuley Bonus Tracks; Soundcheck at Zepp Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan 26th August 2016 04. Warm-Up 05. Broken Promises 06. Dancer 07. Captain Nemo 08. This Is My Heart 09. Love Is Not a Game 10. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 11. Shoot Shoot 12. Armed and Ready 13. Desert Song 「The Return of Captain Nemo Film -Osaka 2016- "キャプテン・ネモの帰還"フィルム"~浪速上陸篇~"」Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 23rd August 2016 01. Intro 02. Into the Arena 03. Attack of the Mad Axeman * 04. Victim of Illusion * 05. Armed and Ready * 06. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie * 07. Coast to Coast 08. Assault Attack ** 09. Desert Song ** 10. Dancer ++ 11. Captain Nemo 12. This Is My Heart + 13. Save Yourself + 14. Love Is Not a Game + 15. Shoot Shoot + 16. Rock Bottom + Encore: 17. Doctor Doctor ++ 18. Outro Bonus Tracks; Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 24th August 2016 19. Cry for the Nations * Zepp Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan 26th August 2016 20. Broken Promises ** * with Gary Barden ** with Graham Bonnet + with Robin McAuley ++ with Barden, Bonnet & McAuley

Michael Schenker Fest マイケル・シェンカー/Japan Tour 2016 & SC IEM Matrix 3Days Complete


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