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Morrissey モリッシー/CA,USA 2022 2Days Complete

11月19日San Franciscoでのステージをカップリング収録しています。両日ともセットを入れ替えとても新鮮味のあるライブとなっており連続のステージながらとても迫力があり素晴らしいperformanceが堪能でき改めてMorrisseyの音楽性の高さ且つミュージシャンとしても才能がダイレクトに楽しむことができます。soundqualityは両日共に安定した高音質となっており18日はハイブリッドSBD 19日はexcellentなAud収録となっています North American Tour 2022 Fox Theater:Oakland CA Nov 18th 2022 h_SBD(IEM)&Castro Theatre:San Francisco CA Nov 19th 2022 VG-AudCD01:(Oakland CA) 01. Intro 02. We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful 03. Our Frank 04. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before 05. The Bullfighter Dies 06. Rebels Without Applause 07. Girlfriend in a Coma 08. Sure Enough, the Telephone Rings 09. Jim Jim Falls 10. My Life is a Succession of People Saying Goodbye 11. Piano 12. Everyday is Like Sunday 13. Knockabout World 14. The Loop 15. Irish Blood, English Heart 16. Half a Person 17. Saint In A Stained Glass Window 18. Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want 19. Let Me Kiss You 20. Jack the Ripper 21. Encore Break -(Encore)- 22. Sweet and Tender Hooligan CD02:(San Francisco CA) 01. Intro 02. First of the Gang to Die 03. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before 04. We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful 05. Our Frank 06. I Am Veronica 07. Sure Enough, the Telephone Rings 08. The Bullfighter Dies 09. Rebels Without Applause 10. Knockabout World 11. Half a Person 12. Piano solo intro 13. Everyday Is Like Sunday 14. The Loop 15. band introductions 16. Girlfriend in a Coma 17. Let Me Kiss You 18. Saint in a Stained Glass Window 19. Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want 20. Irish Blood, English Heart 21. Jack the Ripper -(Encore)- 22. Sweet and Tender Hooligan 23. Outro

Morrissey モリッシー/CA,USA 2022 2Days Complete


1,649円 (税込)




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